Innovative software and hardware solutions for the medical industry.
The pharma sector has led the way in process control systems and of course quality control and compliance but many plants within the industry are failing to keep pace with new innovation in process automation, monitoring, and reporting that will minimise wastage and ensure the exemplary standards of traceability and efficiency achieved in the past.
The increasing complexity of the processes have opening gaps that require a revision of the integrated manufacturing scheme for some plants and Measuresoft has a process analysis specialist with over 25 years’ experience in the sector available to identify/quantify opportunities for improvement.

Our Products
We offer a complete solution with our product family for the medical and pharma sectors.

ScadaPro is a powerful, real-time data acquisition software package, providing monitoring, data logging, mimic development and report generation. A range of extensions are also available, including ScadaPro Web HMI, which will allow you to view your data on any device.
Bring your data into the age of IOT. ScadaPro Web HMI lets you monitor and control local or remote hardware on any device through a browser. With features such as a map, trends, data export, dashboards and application security, you get a full visualisation of your data in a modern, easy to use web app.

See how our solutions are used by customers around the world.
Our family of products for the oil and gas industry offers a range of features and benefits.

Embedded Technologies
23 years experience of designing, prototyping and certifying ruggedised hardware across all of our focus industries ensure our clients challenges are addressed while their productivity and innovation is accelerated.

Control Systems
Driven by customer demands for even greater flexibility and visibility, control systems traditionally designed as proprietary hardware, we offer control systems as part of a flexible, powerful and cost effective solution.

Data Acquisition
Measuresoft has been supplying data acquisition hardware for the most demanding Zone 0 deployments in the oil and gas industry.

SCADA Solutions
Accuracy, stability and innovation lie at the heart of the Measuresoft’s track record in data acquisition. Our team are unrivalled in developing bespoke solutions which range from simple flow reports to highly complex reports with detailed performance metrics and support strategies. Our cloud based M2M Solutions has extended our operation and allows us to ensure our clients are always in control of their remote sites.

The combination of ultra-stable embedded SCADA systems with intelligent communications and private cloud environments is enabling us to provide our clients, with a simple, powerful interface to reliably and securely visualize and control their critical assets. Our M2M solutions enable our clients to increase efficiency and improve safety through a simple cloud based interface which can be accessed anywhere.

Development Team
Our highly experienced in-house development team (based in Ireland) working hand-in-hand with our hardware division based in Houston are among the most talented in our industry. Our approach involves getting to know your business and challenges so we can deliver solutions to help your business excel. We have a proven track record in multiple parallel industries.

Meeting wide-ranging and complex compliance and reporting requirements by a number of different agencies can be a daunting and challenging task. Measuresoft ensures compliance is built into all of our solutions and will meet your compliance and complex reporting needs now and in the future.

Asset Tracking/Monitoring
While the facility of asset tracking has been around for years Measuresoft is continually investing in R&D and developing new and innovative ways to leverage the latest advancements in M2M communications.