Hardware and software tools for data monitoring of pressure pumping and hydraulic fracturing process within well and well completion operations.

Data acquisition from a variety of equipment, including OPC Servers, Alphascan, Datascan, WITS, WITSML and Mobus. Flexible data logger historians, allowing data to be recorded and trended by time, depth and event and recorded in files or databases.

Client/server architecture distributes displays to PCs and monitors such as the company man, toolpusher, driller, geologist and other personnel around the rig. Site to office streaming of data to Internet servers over low bandwidth connections.

Configurable graphical monitor and playback trends. Data export to Log Draw and other packages. Schedule of fluid treatment stages with start and end PPA and volumes. Provides for well geometry and vertical depth at top and bottom packers.

The Internet servers have high speed connections to facilitate real-time and historical viewing by off-site staff and customers located anywhere in the world.
- Multiple density input channels with calibration using air, water, completion fluid or alternative carrier.
- Support for automatic calibration of pressure channels.
- Support for standard and special proppants.
- Operator or automatic control of current fluid stage with reverse stage facility to correct and revert back to the previous fluid stage.
- Stage and job totals with manual reset to support mini and multi-stage fracturing.
- Full tracking of the fluids at the surface of the well and at the crossover point.
- Calculation of tubing and annulus hydrostatic pressure.
- Wellbore graphic with color codes for each fluid stage.
- Flow input simulation for training and testing.
- Support for any hardware including WITS, CAN Bus and Modbus interfaces.

CompletionPro provides a wide range of benefits.

Flexibility allows you to interface with a variety of sensor products.

Tailor displays based on your preferences and requirements.

DrillPro provides real-time access to data anytime, anywhere.

Perpetual Licencing
This allows you to budget for the software under capital expenditure as opposed to costly and inflexible ongoing rental agreements.

Service Quality
Measuresoft offers exceptional service with guaranteed reliability from our software, including online remote support of your rig PCs.

Proven Track Record
DrillPro has been successfully deployed in North America, South America, Middle East, and West Africa.